How is it that the Almighty God of the universe would come down to earth, consider himself nothing, and lay down his life for you? What is it about you, that you would have such value to Him that He would bankrupt heaven just to get you back? How is it that God the Father thinks you are worthy of the life and blood of His own Son? And yet that is who you are – He considers you worthy. He calls you His beloved.
Jesus is so in love with you, that He would lay down his life for you.
And so, to ask us to lay down our lives for Him, to be so yielded to Him, to suffer for His glory, to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him… – all of you for all of Him – is not a fair exchange.
That’s not a fair exchange. That’s called grace. None of us deserve the grace and love He gives us. What would we do with a God who graces us with His presence? We give him more. We give Him our all.
What can we offer Him that is equal to what He has offered us? Even if I give all of me, it is nothing compared to what He Has given me – His own Son. And yet, God tells us – “Love God with ALL your heart, ALL your mind, ALL your soul.” Just love God back with all that you are and all that you have. That may not be an even exchange, but God is pleased with our love offering.
And if that’s all there is, that would have been enough. But then God showers us with grace upon grace, blessings, abundance, healing, salvation, a good and hopeful future. Tipping the balance even more! God invites us that we can have even more of Jesus. That those who hunger and thirst for more of Him will be satisfied!
Jesus said – “If you ask Me anything in My Name, I will do it.” What if all we want to ask of Him is what He wants? What if all we ever want is to have more of Jesus? He has given us His all, and He is willing to give us even more of Himself. So why not ask him, “Give me more of you, Lord, more! All I want is you!”
“Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake, I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8