New Wineskins

During this year of acceleration, God is renewing and reviving His original mandate for this church established 26 years ago of relying on the Holy Spirit and renewing our minds to be able to usher in the supernatural ways of God.

God is making us into new wineskins by making our minds new in order to be able to handle the new wine He is pouring out. He is enabling us to dream bigger, to have a bigger vision other than our needs or wants, beyond our immediate family…to broaden His family – His kingdom – to multiply His image where He has planted us.

Isaiah 43:18-19 says

18 “Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.

19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

God has already begun doing a new thing when He gave us His Son Jesus as Messiah and enabled us to receive what He has done on the cross. And above that, He put His law into our hearts and have written them in our minds (Heb. 11:6) through the Holy Spirit. He has made vessels in the form of you and me through the infilling of the Holy Spirit to be able to spread His love to others the way that we are loved by Him.

This is indeed the age of the Holy Spirit – the Presence of God filling us and overflowing towards others so that He would be glorified. Because we are in the age of the Spirit, it will be a season of miracles. Miracles we have not seen before…thus — NEW. Can you feel it?

God is doing a new thing…it is already happening…open your new eyes and new ears. Far be it that we do not receive the new things God is placing in us and to us and that we would continue to dwell on the former things. We must not settle for the old ways (Luke 5:39), especially when God is way too creative — and we are created in His image.

Where there is new wine, new wineskins are needed, new mindsets for this new year of acceleration.

As we think on this some more…we must ask ourselves the following:

  1. What ways, means and methods are now being surpassed or replaced?
  2. What strategies does God have for us to embrace or even forego?

“What is the Prophetic Meaning of New Wine?” by Helen Calder from