God doesn’t make empty or casual promises. When God gives a promise from His Word, you can rely on Him that He will keep it. He has proven time and again that when He fulfills His promises, it is beyond our wildest dreams. It is way bigger than you could ever grasp or imagine.
When everything seemed lost and hopeless with man, God made a promise to humanity: Someday, when the time is full, He would bring a savior, but no one could have imagined how extravagant His promises are!
When God promised a child would save the world, who would have thought that God meant to give away His very own Son? When God said He will purchase us from our bondages, who would have thought He Himself is the payment for our sins? He himself would be crushed and become curse for us so that we will be set free from sin, pain, disease and death. God made that promise at the moment man fell, and He kept His promise when Jesus died and resurrected.
So when God promised that He will be with you, He meant He is with you all the way, every step of the way, and He will be with you to the end of the age. When God promised that you will walk in His ways, He even gave you His Holy Spirit to cause you to walk in His ways. And He gave you a new heart to enable you to obey Him and love Him back. When He promised will never leave you nor forsake you, He meant there is no power, nor depth nor height can ever separate you from the love of God in Christ.
What more could God have given? He promised us Himself, and He gave us Himself, without holding anything back. God’s gifts are extravagant and so bigger than you could ever grasp or imagine.
So we thank God for the Promise He has already fulfilled. He has given us His own Son and every good and perfect gift. And we have a reason to hope, because God’s specific promises to you and your family will be fulfilled in due time. You can trust God even when you don’t have the faith to go on, because He is faithful. You can rely on Him that He will make it happen.
Reflect on This:
“…the people living in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” Matthew 4:16