Jesus said to ask and you will receive. Knock and it will be opened. Seek and you will find. God is willing and able to give good gifts to His children. He desires to answer our prayers, and His good plans are to give us hope and a future. When we call on him in trouble, He will save us. When we pray for a breakthrough, He will come through for us. God will not withhold anything that is good for us.
God is very generous with his gifts and promises, but He wants us to pursue something more precious: That one thing—
To know Him intimately. Just like Moses asked, “Show me your glory,” and God replied by revealing Himself to this man who wanted Him above all else. Moses came to know God so intimately that he began to think and move and act and look like Him.
If all we want are the gifts, the promises, the power, the breakthrough—He will give it. He promises it.
But God wants us to seek for the ONE THING. To live life confident that you do know Him intimately, and you seek Him with all your heart. That you love Him for who He is, and not what He can do for you.
When we desire Him above all, He will keep revealing Himself to you more and more, until your face shines with His glory and people are drawn to HIM that they see in you.
Reflect on This:
“…Until your face shines with His glory…”
What would your life be like if you really became more and more like Jesus? How would you live your life? What would people see? What would change?
Take This to Heart:
“For once you were so full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.” (Ephesians 5:8-9)