The Goodness of God

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1 (NLT)

Here are some truths about God’s goodness to us and how we benefit from His goodness…

Because God is Good… He has created you in His image, that you may become like Him and display His perfection and glory. You don’t have to conform to this world, because who He made you to be is so much more beautiful and perfect than anything this world has to offer you.

Because God is Good… He has loved you from before time began, and He has wonderful plans for you. No matter what’s going on in your present life, His plans are always for eternity, and will give you a hope and a good future.

Because God is Good… He made good laws for you to obey, because of the relationship He has with you. You are part of His family. All His laws are good, and as you submit to Him, you will experience a life that is blessed and prosperous.

Because God is Good… He gives you a choice – to remain in Him or remain in sin. To live a life of freedom or become enslaved to sin. To find eternal life or a life separated from Him.

Because God is Good… He wants you to learn from your mistakes. He does not want you to sin repeatedly. So He will not take away the consequences of your actions and sins.

Because God is Good… when you sin, He cannot allow it to continue or remain hidden. He will not allow you to remain unrepentant. He will show you how sinful you have become so that you can ask forgiveness, be healed and restored back to Him.

Because God is Good… He gave the way to save you once and for all – through His own Son Jesus Christ. Only through Christ Jesus can you have the Good Life – blessed, eternal, full of hope. Because Jesus has taken up the punishment that was meant for us who sin, you need only come to Jesus and receive His offer to repent and make Him Lord over your live.

Because God is Good… He is faithful and just to always forgive you when you confess your sins to Him. And he takes away from you all traces of unrighteousness. He makes you right through and through. When he cleanses you, he removes your sins and remembers them no more.

Because God is Good… He blesses you with the Holy Spirit, who will remain in you to help you become the good and godly child God has created you to be. And He will be with you for eternity. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will show you just how Good He is and you will love Him back, for all His goodness and mercy to you.

Reflect on This:
May we always be thankful of how God is good to us, regardless of our circumstances in life. God is always good and we are thankful for His goodness, His love endures forever. If you are one of His, then He is for you…not against you.

Take This To Heart:
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1