The Lord’s Ultimate Blessing


The Lord bless you and keep you;
 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26



         Shining with the glory of God: this is how Moses’ face looked after being in God’s presence on His holy mountain. When your face shines like Jesus, undeniably, people everywhere will know that you have been with Him. Everything about you, every word that comes out, every action and reaction, instinct, motive, intentions, pursuits, dreams and ambition, every decision – will reflect and be seen as made by someone who has been with Jesus. Let God’s light on you shine so bright that people everywhere will praise God.

         God’s greatest blessing to us is to make his face to shine on us. All his other blessings and showers of grace are nothing compared to making His face shine on us. This blessing is worth more than all others, and worthy of pursuing to our last breath.


     This is what peace looks like: to have the Father’s face turned towards you, not rejecting, condemning nor ashamed of you.

     Peace is having that kind of love facing you, as when He said to the Son, “you are my beloved”. This is the face of Jesus turned toward us, as when He said,” My peace I give you and leave with you.”

       In a world full of chaos and division, may we carry that peace within us, and leave around in the people we meet, that they will see the face of Jesus through us.


     What do you celebrate? Be glad that your names are written in the Book of Life. Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds, because you are being perfected in your suffering. Have a party for the lost that have been found. His grace is amazing! There is no fear in love; there is nothing to be scared of. Christ has overcome so we can live in freedom and victory. We find our joy in knowing Christ. We find our joy in loving Him.    


       “Joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, deep, deep, down in my heart…”    Let the joy out!    When you celebrate, you give the world a taste of what’s to come.