There is nothing more glorious than having the Kingdom of Jesus fully realized on His Return! Yet His Kingdom is also here now, within reach. The word used for “at hand, within reach” is eggizo, which refers to being so close one can kiss and embrace.
That’s how near the Kingdom of God is! It is so near to us that we are already living in it even now here on earth.
Jesus demonstrated what the Kingdom of God looks like when He went all throughout Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. His fame spread everywhere! Many people who were in pain and suffering with every kind of illness were brought to Jesus for their healing—epileptics, paralytics, and those tormented by demonic powers were all set free. Everyone who was brought to Jesus was healed! (Matthew 4:23-24)
Then He told his disciples to go and do likewise.
“Jesus gathered his twelve disciples and imparted to them authority to cast out demons and to heal every sickness and every disease.” (Matthew 10:1) and later on, after His resurrection, Jesus reminded them, as he sent them again to the nations, that “all authority has already been given to you.”
Jesus shows us that those who follow him will have the same authority as Him to demonstrate God’s presence through signs, wonders and miracles.
We believe and live the prayer, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Therefore,
- I partner with the King in natural and supernatural ways to establish mercy, justice, and righteousness until He comes.
- Today, I will focus on the good that God is doing in the world and live with contagious hope and joy!
- I seek Heaven’s answers for earthly problems and take practical risks in faith to see the answers realized in our world.