The Posture of a Listening Heart

When life gets terribly scary and trouble starts to shake you, we can choose to listen to our fears – and it will shout at you like a megaphone on steroids – or we can choose to be still and listen to that quiet Voice that drowns out all the noise, confusion and fear. That Voice of the Lord may be described as a “still, small voice” but it is powerful and mighty. It quietly says “Peace. Be still,” and the storms bow down to His Presence.

It has never been about how loud the Lord speaks, or how “small” a voice it is. (I actually don’t want to get to a point where the Lord has to shake my shoulders and shout at me to get my attention, because by then I’ve become almost deaf and numb to his whispers! Far be it that we would be that disconnected to the One who loves us most).

It’s not about how loud He speaks but having a listening heart.

A listening heart is one that trains our ears and our senses so that we can hear him when He whispers. A listening heart is a posture of being attentive, of paying attention. It’s something you do over and over until you become so familiar with His Voice, His nudges and taps on your shoulder… even of His footsteps when He walks in the room.

When we have that posture of a listening heart, we can actually hear what He is saying. The words on the Bible begin to have meaning and power. The noise fades and the distractions don’t confuse us. We don’t become fidgety, anxious, lose attention or try to solve things on our own. We become more at peace and yet confident that God is Who He is and He is able, powerful and willing to do what only He can do.

Try that this week. Every time you come to the Lord in prayer, ask Him to give you the posture of a listening heart so that you can hear Him well. Then meditate on Psalm 91 and pay attention to what He says. God has so much to say to you!

Prayer: LORD, may we have an increase in awareness of Your Presence. Grant us a listening heart, ready to take the posture of receiving Your Word. Help us be able to keep still and hear out Your small still voice in the midst of the storm. No matter what, Lord, we can be rest assured that You are always good. Wrap around us with Your Presence. Thank You, Lord, that You always go before us and will always be for us and not against us. All glory and praise are Yours. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.