What Do You Want?

“What do you want?” (John 1:38). This is the first recorded words of Jesus in this gospel, which by itself makes it a very important question. We find this verse in the narrative of John the baptizer telling his disciples about Jesus, the Lamb of God. Pay close attention to the conversation:

As soon as they heard this, the disciples immediately left John and followed Jesus around. So, Jesus turned around and asked them, “What do you want in following me?” To which they replied, “Rabbi, where do you abide?” and Jesus answered “Come and discover for yourself.” Read John 1:35-39

“What do you want in following me?” Out of his kindness, Jesus will give us what we seek, for His glory and our good. He won’t withhold any good and perfect gift from us. God promised and said He will provide and He will be with us. The big question is – what do we want above all? Why do we follow Jesus? What do we want from Him? What do we want Him to do for us? Do we need healing, deliverance, salvation, provision? Answered prayers? Increase in ministry?

OR… do we want Him simply for Him, from a heart that is set on seeking Him alone, seeking Him first? Because He alone is worthy of our everything, even though we get nothing in return but His presence alone?

Jesus invites us, “Come, follow me, and discover for yourself”.

Prayer: Lord God, as your child and follower, I seek nothing more than you. I want nothing more than you. Teach me to set my heart only on you, that nothing in this world will be important than having you. I thank you for your Presence, your provision, your power. But I seek only You and your Kingdom alone and above all.

Confession: I respond to the invitation to follow after Jesus and seek him with all my heart. I will never again be satisfied as long as I live without seeing God. He is my all in all.