His Suffering for Your Breakthrough (Divine Exchange Part 2)

Jesus knew ahead of time the details of how he was going to suffer and die. You would think that knowing ahead, he would do something to prevent it, and yet he didn’t. Jesus endured it all, and fixed his eyes on this great joy set before him, knowing this one thing:

His suffering and death was to fulfill the prophecy for our breakthrough.

Have you ever thought what joy it is for Jesus to be the Savior? Nothing is more delightful than for Him to turn ruin into breakthrough! Nothing was going to stop him from accomplishing God’s good purpose (see Isaiah 53:10; Hebrews 12:2). He is gracious and compassionate, ready to forgive, slow to anger and super-abounding in love, mercy and truth.

He spells our breakthrough and salvation this way – complete forgiveness; eternal life; restored relationship with God; made new from inside out; abundant life; victory over sin, persecution, death and the enemy; healing and miracles; transformed life; future filled with hope; entire households serving the Lord; nations changed!

We know that Jesus saves us from our sins and gives eternal life, but do we know that through Him you have healing? That you are more than conquerors? That you have an abundant life and hope-filled future? That your families will serve the Lord? That our nations can be transformed?

Jesus endured the cross and fixed his eyes on the joy set before him so that the full package of breakthrough is made available for you, right here and now. Let today be your day of salvation and breakthrough.

Take This To Heart:
When He sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.  — Isaiah 53:12


Reflect on This:
Knowing now how good and complete God’s salvation is for you, how He loves you, will you love Him back with all your heart?